Registration of residence of an EU citizen


The authority of a higher degree in relation to the voivode in matters of registration of residence is the Head of the Office for Foreigners. The tasks of the Head of Office for Foreigners in the field of appeal proceedings in these cases are carried out by the Department of Legalization of Stay of the Office for Foreigners.

An EU citizen is entitled to lodge an appeal with the Head of the Office for Foreigners against the voivode's decision on the refusal to register the stay of an EU citizen. The appeal is filed in writing, through the voivode who issued the contested decision, within 14 days from the date of its notification.

In appeal proceedings, the Head of the Office for Foreigners may:

  • annul the contested decision of the voivode and decide on the legitimacy of the registration of the residence of an EU citizen, explaining in the justification the reasons for the annulment of the decision,

  • state that the necessary conditions for registration of stay have not been met – then it will uphold the decision of the voivode and explain its position in detail,

  • declare that the decision was adopted in breach of the procedural rules and that the scope of the case necessary to clarify it has a significant impact on its outcome and annulate the contested decision and refer the case back for reconsideration.

Go to the "Administrative procedures" ("Appeals") tab for a more detailed explanation of the appeal procedure.

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